Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I’ve learned that I make a lot of grammar mistakes and that my English isn’t all that great. I need to branch out and talk to people more because I felt limited with the words I use. I’ve been honest in most of my post but at the same time there were some personal stuff that I should have avoided. To be honest I never thought I would take this class seriously because I didn’t like to express myself. But during the time I was in Creative Writing, I’ve started being more open about myself and expressing myself during and outside of school. I have the tendency to stop myself in the middle of a sentence because I realize how dumb I sounded. I wish to improve on not being so conservative about myself and have people feel uncomfortable around me. But what I view as not uncomfortable, I seem to make it more uncomfortable for people to talk with me. I feel that it’s best that I kept quiet and avoid making a fool of myself but the more I think that way, the harder it is for me to express myself. These assignments have helped me be more open minded about the things I write because I didn’t feel limited to just writing a subject or making sure that what I was writing was correct. So overall I felt more relaxed and not pressured to write about something that required me to research and double guess myself. This class had helped me discover what I find that is really important to me and what I treasured. I’ve wrote all of my post in hopes that when I’m in my late thirties or forties or how ever old I will be when I decide to check on Blogger again and if it still exist and see what I was like as a kid. The three words that I would use to describe myself are reckless, weird and conservative. I have been reckless with the blogs I’ve written and throughout the school year I slacked off thinking that I could put it off and it will somehow be done somehow in some way. I’ve been both weird and conservative in most of my blog posts because they tell a different story from what I’m like in person. Overall, I gained a lot of important values such as being honest and open about myself and that there are some people who are more different than they seem outside of the blogs.

Gone But Never Forgotten

1. Stressing and loving College Biology in 1st Hour and College Algebra during 4th Hour.
2. Being thankful to Mr. Gardner for not allowing me to drop out of Speech 101 online and
finishing the class with a B and knowing that I won't have to take a speech class in College.

3. Excited to meet my sister Aleson's little baby boy in the weekend of my graduation on May 12 and also being able to see my other sister Cindy during the same weekend.
4. I forgot to mention the month when my sisters got married so here it is: Cindy got married in December with Allen Yang and Aleson got married to Zhong Yang in January.
5. I enjoyed all the bonding time I have with my sister Habison and how we talked about who we liked and disliked.
6. Going to college for Dental Hygiene and getting a bachelor degree as a Dental Hygienist and working in the dental industry until my retirement.
7.  Enjoying Mrs. Fitchpatrick's classes in Child Development and Careers because they gave me a different view of life and how important things were while I was job shadowing for the jobs I wanted.
8. Kissing my mother more often this year on the cheek than I ever had as a child growing up because of my Child Development class for opening up my eyes on how hard and stressful childbirth and raising a baby was like in the real world.
9. Need to note that this year of 2013 the following teachers that I look up to and who I'm thankful to are now moving away from Pierce City because of better job opportunities: Mrs. Witt-Schulte who got married and who is now Mrs. Slagle, Mr. Pham, and Mr. French.
10. This year 2012-2013 I was elected President of Book Club which none of my other sister have ever gotten and a position I never expected and it took me a lot of nerve to get around my shyness to do my duties as President like presenting and holding meetings.
11. Not being able to go to Project Prom at 12 AM to 6 AM because I had no ride to get to the event because no one was home and my sister forgot about it but she made up for it by buying me an IPad.
12. I would like to further my education and become a Dentist depending on financial status.
13. I want to get my own house and have my parents live with me so that would mean I could not get married because of tradition. The tradition is that the wife does not have the choice to allow her parents to live with her and it was only right if the husband's family did.
14. My dwarf hamster, Sasuke, died in December of last year so in the future I want to get another dwarf hamster and name the little guy Sasuke #2 because I really loved that hamster.
15. In the future I want my kids to be able to enjoy their school life and not procrastinate like I did during my high school years.
16. My parents never physically hurt me or deliberately made me sad or mad it was more of the sound of disappointment coming from their voice that I try to be a better person so I want to be like my parents without having to resort to anything physically or mentally damaging to teach my kids a lesson about life.
17. I want my parents to see my kids before they move on to the next life because they're in their late 50's and early 60's that I am unsure if they would be able to make it to their 90's.
18. I want to thank all Mrs. Corbett, the Librarian, for all the things she have done for me.
19. I was Office Aid during my Senior year and Shiela Johnson the secretary of the high school office was one of the nicest people I've met.
20. I had my first Five Guys food at Springfield and it was decent, not all that great though.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Valuable Lesson

1. Treat others the way you want to be treated. I learn and respect most people from this golden rule.

2. Being able to take care of myself by setting short-term goals so I would not be stressed.

3. It is better to be honest rather than being a liar because it was looked down upon in my family if a person doesn’t keep their words.

4. Don’t always depend on others but if life gets too hard I will have to trouble some people to help me with my problems.

5. Don’t expect too much from other people because there a high chance of disappointment and it’s better to keep your expectations at a lower level.

6. Don’t ever slack off in any classes no matter how close the end of the school year.

7. Don’t lie to people that trust me or believes in me because it hurts to know that I have failed their expectations of me.

8. Don’t procrastinate in school work if I want good grades and study for tests.

9. Avoid involving myself with friends who do drugs or smoke because they usually make choices that I don’t usually approve of.

10. Trust people who are honest to you and knowing that they’re treating you like you were someone important to them.

Never Say Goodbye

I don’t think I have had any good-byes where it was hard to say good-bye forever. My grandmother died when I was only two years old so I didn’t know who she was to feel that sad or talk about her death. My grandfather died before I was born so I don’t know what he was like. I guess most of the people that were close to me are still alive and I’ve been to many funerals in which I don’t know how I was related to them but my parents knew them. The only good-bye I could think of was the death of the sister I never met. I’ve only heard of her from my parents and my sister-in-laws about my sister that I never met.

My sister died while my mother gave birth to her and I didn’t know how to feel about it because I was born last. My sister was born around in the 1980’s and I was born in 1995 so I sometimes wonder if my sister had survived what was she like and how different would she be from my  other sisters. There wasn’t much information on my sister but I think I might have loved her. I love all my sisters and brothers no matter how much we annoy each other. I would have to say that I was intrigued by the idea of a sister that I never met being the perfect sister. I know it might be a slight possible chance that she could not be the perfect sister that I’m looking for but she could have been. There are so many possibilities that she may and may not be for me if she had survived. I would want to meet her kids who would be my nephews and nieces.

I already have a lot of nieces and nephews who are all beautiful and handsome girls and boys. It’s hard to say good-bye to a sister that I never met because she was never born and had died by the time my mother gave birth to her. So there wasn’t any kind of grave or a sacred shrine for my dead sister. I can’t say I have personally told her good-bye but after hearing the story of my sister that same day at night I whispered the words “I’m sorry”. I don’t know why I said it but I just felt like it. I know it may sound stupid but she would have been a sister I loved and because she didn’t get the chance to experience a life of her own. I’ve heard people praying for the ones that have passed away to wish those people good luck but for me I did not pray. After that night I kept thinking to myself how lucky I was for being alive. I do enjoy my life and even with its ups and downs I still prefer the life I have now and I think my sister would have also enjoyed this life too.

Creating a List and Checking it Twice

People who have influenced me
1. My mom
2. My dad
3. My sisters
4. Dorita
5. Elaine Moua
6. Chumay Xiong
7. Mrs. Witt
 Places that make me happy
1. Library
2. Kitchen
3. Bedroom
4. Beach
5. Grocery Store
6. Park
7. Tulsa
Places I would like to go
1. Niagra Falls
2. Maine
3. Minnesota
4. Hong Kong
5. Japan
6. South Korea
7. Australia
Things in people that I like
1. Honesty
2. Trust
3. Subtle
4. Hardworking
5. Positivity
6. Intelligence
7. Humor
Things in people that I dislike
1. Hypocritical
2. Dishonesty
3. Prejudice
4. Laziness
5. Short temper
6. Inconsiderate
7. Self-centered
Things that worry me
1. Work
2. Homework
3. Grades
4. College
5. School
6. Letting people down
7. Car Accidents
Things I would like to know how to do
1. Swim
2. Play the flute
3. Sing
4. Play the piano
5. Dance
6. Build a house
7. Garden
Things that have moved me
1. Songs
2. Artwork
3.  Words
4. Pets
5. Funerals
6. Graduations
7. Marriage
 Ideas that intrigue me
1. Talking animals
2. Teleportation
3. Creating your own virtual world with a person’s own imagination how everything goes
4. The world without violence
5. Going back to the past
6. Losing weight
7. Flying Cars
1.  My personal favorites
      1. Romance Books
      2. Manga/Anime
      3. Dwarf Hamsters
      4. Spicy Foods
      5. Sweet Foods
      6. Humor
      7. Intelligence

A Fine Line

Best things
1. I'm a fast learner when it's something I'm interested.
2. I'm patient person
3. I like to make and bake desserts.
4. I'm an honest person because if I lie I'll feel depressed for at least a week and end up procrastinating on homework assignments.
5. I'm a good listener and I enjoy helping other people with their problems.
6. I can take care of my pets
7. I enjoy crafting random artworks
8. I am satisfied with most of my test grades
9. I enjoy anything that have artistic values
10. I had straight A's from Freshman year to Junior year in high school
Worst things
1. Giving people advice when I don't follow my own.
2. Procrastinating and not f
3. I'm terrible at math because there are too many formulas and math terms/statements that I cannot recall when the test comes around.
4. I don't enjoy Chemistry because of math involved in the course since Math isn't my strongest point.
5. I have the tendency to double guess myself and end up choosing the wrong choice.
6. I don't take racism too lightly although there are other exceptions where it could be funny.
7. I read into things too much deciding whether or not a person is lying or telling the truth.
8. I disapprove a lot of things that involves
9. I try my hardest for the things I enjoy but not the ones that I don't
10. I procrastinated during my Senior year in high school.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In other words

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” - Helen Keller

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.” Abraham Lincoln 
“You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well.” - Lewis B. Smedes

“Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.” - Arthur Rubinstein

She believed in dreams, all right, but she also believed in doing something about them.   When Prince Charming didn't come along, she went over to the palace and got him. - Walt Disney

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.” - George Macdonald

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“To succeed... you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. ”- Tony Dorsett

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

“No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure. ”- Emma Goldman